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Each release must have at least one purchase order shipment. Each row includes the buyer, date, release status, and release number. This table stores information related to planned and blanket Purchase Order releases.

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Each row includes the site address, supplier reference, purchasing, payment, bank, and general information. This table stores information about the supplier sites. This table stores the general information about the suppliers. REQ_DISTRIBUTION_ID: Unique Identifier of a Requisition distribution (with Reference to PO_REQ_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL.DISTRIBUTION_ID) LINE_LOCATION_ID: Unique Identifier of the Document Shipment Schedule (with reference to PO_LINE_LOCATIONS_ALL, LINE_LOCATION_ID)ĬODE_COMBINATION_ID: Unique Identifier of General Ledger Charge Account (with reference to GL_CODE_COMBINATIONS.CODE_COMBINATION_ID) It is a unique Document Distribution identifier. PO_DISTRIBUTION_ID: This is the primary key for this table. There are four types of documents using distributions in Oracle Purchasing:Įach row includes the destination type, requestor ID, quantity ordered and deliver-to location for the distribution. You need one row for each distribution line you attach to a purchase order shipment. This table contains the information related to accounting distribution of a purchase order shipment line. SHIP_TO_ORGANIZATION_ID: Unique identifier of Ship-to organization TAXABLE_FLAG: indicates whether the shipment is taxable QUANTITY_BILLED: Quantity invoiced by Oracle Payables QUANTITY_REJECTED: Quantity rejected after inspection QUANTITY_ACCEPTED: Quantity accepted after inspection QUANTITY_RECEIVED: Quantity received until today QUANTITY: Quantity ordered for Purchase Orders, RFQs and Quotations PO_LINE_ID: Unique Identifier of Document line (with reference to PO_LINES_ALL.po_line_id) (with reference to PO_HEADERS_ALL.po_header_id.) PO_HEADER_ID: Unique Identifier of Document header. LINE_LOCATION_ID: Unique Identifier of Document shipment schedule

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The following are the important columns of this table: Oracle Purchasing uses this information to record delivery schedule information for purchase orders, and price break information for blanket purchase orders, quotations and RFQs. There following are the seven documents that use shipment schedules:Įach row includes the location, quantity, and dates for each shipment schedule. You need one row for each schedule or price break you attach to a document line. This table contains the information related to purchase order shipment schedules and blanket agreement price breaks. ORG_ID: Unique Identifier of the Operating Unit

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LINE_TYPE_ID: Unique identifier of Line_Type (with reference to PO_HEADERS_ALL, PO_LINE_ID and PO_HEADER_ID) PO_HEADER_ID: Unique identifier of the Document Header (with reference to PO_HEADERS_ALL, PO_LINE_ID) PO_LINE_ID: Unique identifier of the Document Line This table stores the line information of a Purchasing Document. You can uniquely identify a row in PO_HEADERS_ALL using ORG_ID, SEGMENT1, and TYPE_LOOKUP_CODE, or using PO_HEADER_ID. PO_HEADER_ID is a unique system generated primary key and is invisible to the users. PO_HEADER_ID, SEGMENT1, TYPE_LOOKUP_CODE, VENDOR_ID, VENDOR_SITE_ID, CLOSED_CODE RFQ’s, Quotations, Standard Purchase Order, Planned Purchase Order, Blanket Purchase Order and Contracts The following are the documents that use PO_HEADERS_ALL You need one row for each document you create. This table stores header information of a Purchasing Document. PO_HEADERS_ALL (SEGMENT1 column in this table represents the Document number).

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